• Ever heard about Java or JavaScript, but didn't really get the time to acquire in-depth information. If yes, then you have landed on the correct page to know its gist and significance in the IT domain. JavaScript can be defined is referred as an object-oriented programming language designed specifically to handle dynamic website content and to craft fast accessible and highly innovative web applications. If you want to deeply delve into its topic, and want to know its skills, advantages, and scope, getting started with our JavaScript Training in Gurgaon will be helpful in kick-starting your career.
  • Here, along with imbibing theoretical and practical information, you will also end up having our placement assistance which will help you in getting settled in an established company. So, let's move further, and know its course objectives.

JavaScript Training in Gurgaon


  • At the initial stage, JavaScript Training in Gurgaon might sound a bit complex course, but it's genuinely not that complex to examine. In fact, exploring its numerous sections is rather interesting.
    • By getting started with our course, you will get the chance to know about advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developers from the basics.

      Our experienced faculty members will also help you analyze how JavaScript actually works behind the scenes.

      Our full-fledged Java Full Stack Developer Course will also help you know the variables, if/else, operators, Boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, etc.

      Your concepts concerning OOPS: Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, and encapsulation will also get strengthened.

      You will also receive sessions concerning JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls, and APIs.

      In a nutshell, you will end up obtaining a detailed sort of explanation concerning this language.

  • JavaScript is one sort of a field that not only make you aware of its statements, and functions but also offers you a handsome salary package. So, post taking up the JavaScript Training in Gurgaon, you will surely end up grabbing one of the highest salary packages.
    • Whereas adequate salary structure is concerned, as a fresher JavaScript Developer. you will earn around 2.0 Lakhs - 4.0 Lakhs respectively.

      By gaining more work experience in this direction, your salary package will get better as well.

      Post acquiring the JavaScript accreditation in hand, you will have numerous international jobs offers to come to you.

      You will get the chance to indulge in freelancing work as well, post-knowing its features, statements, OOPs, etc.

  • Whereas career growth is concerned then this direction offers a wide variety of job roles. By stepping into this field, you will get the chance to turn into a skilled, and knowledgeable Java Front End Web Developer, Web Application Developer, JavaScript Developer, etc. You will also end up obtaining some hidden facts concerning this language as well. So, associating with a legit JavaScript Training Institute in Gurgaon will be suitable for your career in numerous ways.
    • Well, it offers various job roles along with a handsome salary package.

      Moreover, JavaScript comes in different versions as well, and you can easily get started with its latest and earliest version.

      By knowing each side of JavaScript, you will be able to crack interviews with well-established companies as well.

      Your knowledge concerning model modern tools for 2022 and beyond: NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 modules will get uplifted.

      You will also have to indulge yourselves in real-world projects for your portfolio.

      You will imbibe problem-solving skills as well.

  • Currently, you will find numerous reasons to take up Java Online Course. One of the significant reasons is its huge demand and various job role. If you have an interest in knowing JavaScript in an explained manner, you should associate with a well-known JavaScript Training Institute in Gurgaon so that you can update yourself with the latest information, and skills.
  • Other highlighting important benefits to getting started with this course are listed below.
    • By getting started with our JavaScript course, you will get the chance to know every bit and piece of this language more effortlessly.

      In fact, you will also get the chance to build innovative web applications.

      Along with imbibing theoretical information, you will also get the opportunity to know the whole work proceedings of the Mobile Application respectively.

      By getting started with our professional JavaScript course, you will get an insight into blockchain technology, and automation.

      Your fundamental information will also get strengthened.

  • When it comes to the roles, and responsibilities of a JavaScript Developer, they are predominantly in charge of composing writing, testing, and debugging code. However, they are in the charge of other tasks as well. If you also want to turn into a skilled JavaScript Developer, you should know their duties as well.
  • Below mentioned points will elaborate on the other main roles of a JavaScript Developer.
    • You will have to compose sustainable code that can be modified and scaled.

      You will also have to assure that UI/UX designs are practical.

      You will also have to boost the primary front-end or back-end performance.

      Your role will also comprise analyzing the code, requirements, system hazards, and software trust ability.

      In fact, you will also have to work hand in hand with web developers on both the front-end and back-end.

  • Presently, you will find various organizations hiring skilled JavaScript Developers, so if you want to construct your career in this field, then you should get associated with JavaScript Training Institute in Gurgaon, along with imbibing information, you can have placement assistance as well. Some of the companies hiring skillful JavaScript Developers are mentioned below.
    • TCS, Genpact, Cognizant, etc. are some of the well-established companies hiring skilled and experienced JavaScript Developers.

      Our trainers will thoroughly guide you to crack the interview by suggesting some effective suggestions.

      Here, you will get the chance to acquire some unknown and hidden facts about the subject.

      You will end up obtaining various different versions, and the accreditation of this course.

      Here, you will get the chance to brush up on your communication skills.

  • Croma Campus is a bona-fide institution dealing in imparting qualitative training of IT, corporate, and foreign language courses. Here, you will get a lot of exceptional services.
    • Here, you will find courses belonging to numerous industries.

      You will also get the chance to know about advanced, and higher-level courses.

      Our trainers will thoroughly help you to choose a proper Java Certification as per your interest, and industrys trends.

      One of the highlighting offerings of this institution is that it will allow you to get placed in an established workplace.

Why you should get started with the JavaScript course?

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hourglassCourse Duration

24 Hrs.
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Weekend2 Hr/Day
Training ModeClassroom/Online
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JavaScript and jQuery Certification Training

  • Gain hands-on experience exploring Scope, Functional Programming, TypeScript, Node, Asynchronous programming, Reactive programming with RxJS and Design Patterns for JavaScript.
  • In this program you will learn :
    • JavaScript Roadmap

      JavaScript Basics

      JavaScript Core

      Language fundamentals

      Conditionals and Loops

      JavaScript and the Browser

      JavaScript Advanced

      ES6 / ECMAScript Essentials


      Functional Programming with JavaScript

      Object-Oriented Patterns

      Async programming

      Using ES6 / ECMAScript modules

      Browser Document Object Model


      RxJS: Reactive Extensions for JavaScript


      JavaScript Design Patterns

      JavaScript Testing

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  • JavaScript Roadmap:
    • ES6

      JavaScript frameworks


      App-development and build tools

  • JavaScript Basics:
    • The HTML DOM

      JavaScript Syntax

      Literals, identifiers and reserved words

      Basic Rules

      Dot Notation

      Square Bracket Notation

      Expressions and expression evaluation

      JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties


  • JavaScript Core:
    • Objects and Arrays





  • Language Fundamentals:
    • JavaScript Variables

      Working with Numbers and Strings

      A Loosely-typed Language

      Storing User-Entered Data


      Associative Arrays

      Array Properties and Methods

      JavaScript Operators

      • Typeof Operator


        • Built-In JavaScript Objects


          • Built-in Functions
            • User-defined Functions
              • Function Syntax
                • Passing Values to Functions
                  • Returning Values from Functions

                    Copy-by-reference/value, truth/false

                • Conditionals and Loop:
                  • if - else if - else Conditions

                    Switch / Case

                    while Loop Syntax

                    do...while Loop Syntax

                    for Loop Syntax

           Loop Syntax

                • JavaScript and the Browser:
                  • The Implicit Window Object

                    The getElementById () Method

                    The getElementsByTagName () Method

                    The getElementsByClassname () method

                    The querySelector () and querySelectorAll () methods

                    Event Handlers

                    Creating, Inserting and Deleting Nodes

                    Element Position Manipulation


                    Manipulating CSS

                    Scripting Inline Styles

                    Scripting CSS Classes

                    Scripting Style Sheets

                    Working with cookies

                • JavaScript Advanced:
                  • Form handling in JS

                    Error handling in JS

                    Debugging JavaScript

                    Closures in-depth

                    Object orientation with prototypes

                    Using Templates

                    Modular JS


                    Wrapped Sets

                    Manipulating element properties & attributes

                    Changing element styles


                    Configuration options in JS

                • ES6 / ECMAScript Essentials:
                  • De-structuring



                    Arrow functions

                    Template literals

                    Spread operator

                • Scope:
                  • Closure






                • Functional Programming with JavaScript :
                  • Understanding map filter, reduce and sort

                    Chaining pure functions to transform data

                • Object-Oriented Patterns:
                  • OO Patterns to use with ES6 classes

                • Async Programming:
                  • Promises


                    Understanding RxJS using Observables

                • Using ES6 / ECMAScript Modules:
                  • Defining clear code boundaries and managing Scope

                • Browser Document Object Model:
                  • Scripting the DOM with JavaScript

                • TypeScript:
                  • Defining custom types using interfaces

                    Generics and utility functions

                • RxJS: Reactive Extensions for JavaScript :
                  • Adopting the Reactive way of thinking

                    Programming with asynchronous data streams

                    Subscribing to a stream of events over time

                    Transforming streams of data with map and filter

                    Applying Reactive ideas to real-world problems

                    Using RxJS in Angular and React

                • Tools:
                  • Node



                    Module bundlers

                • JavaScript Design Patterns:
                  • Mediator pattern

                    Isolating application state with Redux

                • JavaScript Testing:
                  • Unit Testing with Jasmine/Jest

                Get full course syllabus in your inbox

                • Placement Guide:
                  • Tips to clear an Interview

                    Common Interview questions and answers

                    JS 2018 Interview Questions and Answers

                    Resume Building Guide

                    Attempt for the related Global Certification Exam

                    Earn Credentials and Start applying for Jobs

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                Need Customized curriculum?

                Mock Interviews

                Prepare & Practice for real-life job interviews by joining the Mock Interviews drive at Croma Campus and learn to perform with confidence with our expert team.Not sure of Interview environments? Don’t worry, our team will familiarize you and help you in giving your best shot even under heavy pressures.Our Mock Interviews are conducted by trailblazing industry-experts having years of experience and they will surely help you to improve your chances of getting hired in real.How Croma Campus Placement Process Works?


                Validate your skills and knowledge by working on industry-based projects that includes significant real-time use cases.Gain hands-on expertize in Top IT skills and become industry-ready after completing our project works and assessments.Our projects are perfectly aligned with the modules given in the curriculum and they are picked up based on latest industry standards.Add some meaningful project works in your resume, get noticed by top industries and start earning huge salary lumps right away.
                Request more informations

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                +91-971 152 6942

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                SELF ASSESSMENT

                Learn, Grow & Test your skill with Online Assessment Exam to
                achieve your Certification Goals

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                Croma Campus is one of the Best Institute for JavaScript Training in Gurgaon that offers hands-on practical knowledge, practical implementation on live projects and will ensure the job with the help of JavaScript Training Courses, Croma Campus provides JavaScript Training by industrial experts.

                Croma Campus is one of the best Institutes for JavaScript Training in Gurgaon with 100% placement support. We are following the below “P3-Model (Placement Preparation Process)” to ensure the placement of our candidates. Our training curriculum is approved by our placement partners.

                Croma Campus mentored more than 3000+ candidates with JavaScript Certification Training in Gurgaon at a very reasonable fee. The course curriculum is customized as per the requirement of candidates/corporates.

                The course curriculum is customized as per the requirement of candidates/corporates. In addition to this, our classrooms are built-in with projectors that facilitate our students to understand the topic in a simple manner.

                Well, the 5 most important JavaScript skills are as follows-functional programming, writing cross-browser code, asynchronous programming, efficient memory management, etc.

                It is one sort of programming language that will help you to come up with innovative, dynamic, and web content like applications and browsers respectively.

                Well, JavaScript is generally utilized for both frontend and backend development proceedings.

                For details information & FREE demo class, call us at 120-4155255, +91-9711526942 or write to us

                Address: – G-21, Sector-03, Noida (201301)

                Career Assistancecareer assistance
                • - Build an Impressive Resume
                • - Get Tips from Trainer to Clear Interviews
                • - Attend Mock-Up Interviews with Experts
                • - Get Interviews & Get Hired
                Are you satisfied with our Training Curriculum?

                If yes, Register today and get impeccable Learning Solutions!


                Training Features


                Instructor-led Sessions

                The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility,monitoring and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.

                real life

                Real-life Case Studies

                Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.



                Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.

                life time access

                Lifetime Access

                Get Unlimited access of the course throughout the life providing the freedom to learn at your own pace.


                24 x 7 Expert Support

                With no limits to learn and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.



                Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.

                Showcase your Course Completion Certificate to Recruiters

                • checkgreenTraining Certificate is Govern By 12 Global Associations.
                • checkgreenTraining Certificate is Powered by “Wipro DICE ID”
                • checkgreenTraining Certificate is Powered by "Verifiable Skill Credentials"

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