- Web Development is the procedure of building, creating, and maintaining websites. It basically aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. It offers you the chances to express yourself creatively on the internet.
- Web development has several benefits like high earning potential, the opportunity for growth, and flexibility are usually top of mind for most who get into the industry. If you also want to turn into a knowledgeable Web Developer, then enrolling in our Web Development Course in Delhi will be beneficial for your career, if you wish to stay consistent in this technical domain in the long run. Let's now proceed ahead, and know the importance of Web Development.
- The Web Development Training in Delhi will help you to become fluent working with various development process of websites. You will eventually learn how to build your website and make it look great by implementing user-friendly features.
- Let's have a look at the topics you will cover in Web Development Course in Noida.
Web Development/Full Stack fundamentals
Programming with JavaScript
ReactJS Development
NodeJS Development
Version Control system
How to develop fully-fledged websites and web apps
Trending best development practices
Newest technologies like including JavaScript, React, Node, and even Web3 development.
Imbibe details of backend development with Node
- There's no doubt that the Web Development Course in Delhi is one of the most important courses which has been always grabbed the attention of candidates belonging from the technical background. And obtaining its information, and accreditation along with the latest skills will help you turn into a knowledgeable developer.
So, by obtaining the certification of Web Development Training in Delhi, you will turn into a skilled Full Stack Developer.
Over the past few years, the demand for Web Developers has increased hugely, and in the coming years as well, it will not fade away, so acquiring Full Stack Web Developer will be beneficial for your career as it will get placed in a well-established company.
By having a legit certification of Web Development Course in hand, you will get a much higher salary package.
- Presently, the demand for Web Developers is huge, and that's why somehow, they are paid quite well also. If you also wish to turn into a skilled Web-Developer, then you must not stress about the salary structure and get started with Web Development training immediately to know the industry's latest trends.
Whereas the demand for skilled Web Developers is concerned, then it's increasing with each passing day. This is majorly due to the increase in building websites
As per numerous job sites like- Naukri and Indeed, a Full Stack Web Developer makes quite a lot of money by offering his services to a company.
To be accurate, a fresher Google Cloud Developer earns around Rs. 4 Lakhs annually.
An experienced Web Developer makes around Rs.10 Lakhs annually.
- There are numerous highlighting reasons to get started with Web Development Course in Delhi. One of the significant reasons is its exceptional features. You not only imbibe theoretical information but also end up getting corporate perks.
Holding a legit certification will attest that you have the skills to build applications, and websites.
Our multi-level certification will offer you a learning and development path for you to construct your career and stay consistent in this field in the long run.
You will grab a higher salary package.
You will get numerous opportunities to learn and imbibe new trending skills.
- Web Developer is accountable for executing numerous tasks. And to successfully execute the tasks, you need to grasp the necessary prerequisites. Well, by getting in touch with a Web Development Training Institute in Delhi, you will analyze its roles in a much better way.
- Some of the main job roles of a Web Developer are mentioned below.
- Your role might also change from one organization to another. So, you will have to develop problem-solving, and multitasking skills.
You will have to build front-end website architecture.
You will have to also design user interactions on web pages.
Developing back-end website applications, creating servers and databases for functionality, and ensuring cross-platform optimization for mobile phones will also be counted as your main job.
Your job role will include responsiveness to applications, and working alongside graphic designers for web design features.
Developing APIs will also be counted as your main role.
- Nowadays, you will find various top-notch companies hiring experienced and fresher WebDevelopers. So, if you also want to turn into a Web Developer, then you must get started with Web Development Training in Delhi progressively.
Google, Accenture, Wipro, Cognizant, TCS, and Impetus are some of the top-notch companies hiring skilled Web Developers.
Post acquiring accreditation of Web Development in hand, you will get the chance to get settled in multi-national companies.
This precious will validate your skills in front of the interviewer, and you will eventually end up getting an impressive salary package right from the beginning of your career.
- Croma Campus is one of the Web Development Training Institute in Delhi. And along with delivering theoretical information, it also helps you in shaping your career.
You will find all our accreditations being widely acknowledged in the industry.
Here, you will find more than 140+ courses coming from different industries.
You will also get the chance to learn any foreign or corporate course.
Your base knowledge will also get strengthened.
You might end up grabbing some new features concerning Web Development Training in Delhi.
- Related Courses to Web Development Training in Delhi
Why you should enroll in the Web Development course in Delhi?
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Web Development Certification Training
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- HTML 5
- Bootstrap 5 (HTML, CSS, and JS Library)
- Adobe Photoshop
- Web Hosting
- PHP Fundamentals
- Arrays and Functions in PHP
- MySql Database
- Object Oriented PHP
- File Handling & State Management
- Advanced PHP Techniques
- Developing A Dynamic Web Application
- Framework: Laravel
- Framework: CodeIgniter
- WordPress development
- What is HTML
- What is a Web Browser
- What can you Do with HTML
- HTML Development Environments
- Writing Code with a Text Editor
- Publishing Documents
- Rules of Syntax
- Making your Code Readable
- Making your Code XHTML Compliant
- Building a Document
- Using Colors
- Adding Color to your Page
- Using Headings
- Using Paragraphs
- Aligning Block-Level Elements
- Displaying Preformatted Text
- Formatting with Inline Elements
- Controlling Fonts
- Introducing List Elements
- Creating Unordered Lists
- Creating Ordered Lists
- Nesting Lists
- Building a Table
- Cell Padding and Cell Spacing
- Controlling Table and Cell Width
- Aligning a Table on the Page
- Aligning Tables and Text
- Aligning Table Data
- Spanning Columns and Rows
- Nesting Tables
- Using Tables as a Design Tool
- Understanding and Using URLs
- Linking to a Web Document
- Linking to a Local Document
- Linking to Anchors
- Opening a New Browser Window
- Optimizing Image and File Size
- Inserting Inline Images, Image Map, Sprite Image
- Aligning and Formatting Images
- Using Images to Anchor Links
- Creating a Look-and-Feel
- Sizing and Scaling Images
- Using Transparent Images
- Using GIF Animation
- Forms and Form Elements
- Form Actions, Form Methods, Form Design
- Border
- border-image
- border-radius
- Text-shadow
- Box-shadow
- background-clip
- background-size
- background-origin
- background-image
- transition
- transition-delay
- transition-duration
- transition-property
- transform
- matrix ()
- translate (x, y)
- scale (x, y)
- rotate(angle)
- skew (x-angle, y-angle)
- transform
- transform-style
- perspective
- transform-origin
- @keyframes
- animation
- animation-direction
- animation-duration
- animation-name
- CSS combinations
- Pseudo Elements
- Linear Gradients
- Radial Gradients
- column-count
- column-fill
- column-gap
- column-width
- column-rule
- column-rule-color
- column-rule-style
- column-rule-width
- resize
- box-sizing
- outline-offset
- Blur
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Grayscale
- Hue-rotate
- Invert
- Opacity
- Saturate
- Sepia
- What is Responsive Web Design
- Intro to the Viewport
- The Viewport Tag
- Media Queries
- Fluid Layouts
- Tablet Styles
- Mobile Styles
- Making a Mobile Drop-down Menu
- Responsive Images & Poly fills
- @font-face
- font-family
- src
- font-stretch
- font-style
- font-weight
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
- flex
- flex-wrap
- flex-direction
- flex-flow
- justify-content
- align-items
- order
- Syntax
- Statements
- Comments
- Alert
- Confirm
- Prompt
- Arithmetic
- Assignment
- Comparison
- Logical
- Relational
- Ternary
- If else
- if...else if...else
- nested if
- Switch
- Loops
- While
- do...while
- for
- for...in Statement
- Break
- Continue
- User-defined Functions
- Function Syntax
- Function with Arguments
- Returning Values from Functions
- Built-in Functions
- Introduction
- Mouse
- Events
- Keyboard Events
- Form Events
- Document/Window Events
- Number
- Strings
- Math
- Arrays
- Associative
- Array
- Array Properties and Methods
- Date
- Boolean
- Reg exp
- Prototype, Module pattern
- Argument type
- Closure
- ES 6 Introduction
- Let & Const
- Arrow Functions
- Class and Inheritance
- Rest and Map Operators
- Export & Import
- Modules
- Selecting Elements
- Manipulating the Page
- Traversing the DOM and Chaining
- jQuery Utility Methods
- Handling Events and Event Delegation
- AJAX, JSON, and Deferred
- Enhancing with Animation Effects
- Grids, Tables with Ajax, Pagination, JQuery UI
- jQuery Best Practices
- Laying out a page with HTML5
- Page Structure
- New HTML5 Structural Tags
- Page Simplification
- The Problems HTML 4 Addresses
- The Problems XHTML Addresses
- New Features of HTML5
- The HTML5 Spec(s)
- Current State of Browser Support
- The section Tag
- The article Tag
- Outlining
- Accessibility
- Supported Media Types
- The audio Element
- The video Element
- Accessibility
- Scripting Media Elements
- Dealing with Non-Supporting Browsers
- Modernizr
- New Input Types
- autocomplete
- novalidate
- required
- placeholder
- autofocus
- autocomplete
- form
- pattern
- data list
- progress and meter
- Overview of HTML5 Web Storage
- Web Storage
- Other Storage Methods
- Getting Started with Canvas
- Drawing Lines
- Color and Transparency
- Rectangles
- Circles and Arcs
- Quadratic and Bezier Curves
- Images
- Text
- Offline Application API
- Drag and Drop API
- Quick Styles After Dark
- Our First Web Page
- What's Inside
- Scripts and Styles
- Core Concepts
- Summary
- Introduction
- Grid Layouts
- Simple Layout
- Fixed Grids
- Fluid Grids
- Responsive Design
- Responsive Utilities
- Inspiration
- Summary
- Introduction
- Typography
- Tables
- Forms
- Buttons
- Images and Icons
- Summary
- Introductions
- Drop down Menu
- Buttons with Menus
- Tabs and Pill
- The Navbars
- Hero, Badges, Labels, and Media
- Summary
- Introduction
- More Buttons
- Modals
- Tooltips and Popovers
- Carousel
- Summary
- Adobe Photoshop Basic & Advanced Concepts
- Introduction of Stock Photography
- Types of Images and Image Editing Tools
- Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
- Using Photoshop Tools
- Layers, Actions and Filters
- Creating Custom Effects
- Design Banners for Website
- Basic Website Layout
- 12 Grid Layouts (For Desktops and Tablets)
- 6 Grid Layouts (For Smartphones)
- PSD to HTML Conversion
- Fundamental of Web Hosting
- Types of Hosting Packages
- Linux and Windows Control Panel
- Using FTP Client
- Maintaining a Website
- Domain Names Registration, Subdomain
- What is SEO & its scope.
- Keyword Research and Analysis (Tools and Implementation)
- Website Analysis
- Website Performance Monitoring
- Google Analytics/Webmaster
- XML Sitemap
- Use of Meta Tags
- Dene PHP
- Installation of PHP
- PHP delimiters
- Variable initialization with PHP
- PHP Data types
- PHP Constants
- PHP Operators
- If else
- If else if else
- Nested If
- Switch Case
- Jump Statements (Break, Continue, Exit)
- For loop
- While loop
- Do While Loop
- Nested Loop
- Index based arrays
- Associative Array
- Multi-Dimensional Array
- Presenting the user with input
- Retrieving form data with $POST$_GET and $_ REQUEST
- Preserving Data in Form inputs
- Introducing Functions
- Dene functions
- Using parameters
- Returning values
- Call by Value & Call By reference
- Reusing Codes
- Array, String, Math, Date functions
- Super Global Array Variables
- Deleting Cookies
- Implementing Query String
- Relational Database Concept and technology
- Web Database Design
- Web Database Architecture
- Creating a MySQL Database
- Creating Database
- Tables Column
- Data Types
- Implementing Insert/Delete/Update and select
- Query Aggregate
- Functions
- Having and Group by Clause Joining Table
- Implementing Primary key, Unique Key, Composite key, foreign key, default constraint
- Joining Table
- Dropping Tables and Databases
- Introduction to Phpmyadmin
- Database Connection
- My SQL Connectivity
- Procedural Connectivity
- Object Oriented Connectivity
- PDO Connectivity
- Classes, objects and operations
- Class attributes
- Access Modier Constructor & Destructor
- Inheritance Static method Type
- Hinting Object
- Cloning Abstract class
- Final keyword Inheritance
- Introduction
- How to load Library
- How to override other Libraries
- Introduction
- How to Congure
- Active Records and Query Builder
- CRUDS operation (Create Insert Update Delete and Search)
- Form Validation, Session, Pagination, Uploading
- Saving data for later using le system.
- Opening a le
- Creating and Writing to a le
- Creating and Writing to a le
- Using other useful le functions
- Create a directory
- Remove a directory
- File Uploading & Downloading
- File uploading Concepts
- Multiple File Upload
- Session, Cookie, Query String, Hidden Field
- What is Session
- Starting a Session
- Registering Session variables Using Session Variables
- Destroying the variables and Session
- What is a Cookie
- Setting Cookies with PHP Using Cookies with Sessions
- Implementing Captcha, PDF Generation
- Excel or CSV Generation Email with PHP
- Implementing Pagination
- SQL Injection
- Web Services with JSON
- Payment Gateway
- Integration Error tracking and debugging
- Introduction of Laravel
- MVC Laravel routing
- Installing Composer and Command line tool
- Blade essentials
- Resource
- Laravel Route groups and lters
- Working with Database
- Eloquent CRUD
- Laravel Query Builder
- Eloquent relations
- Laravel Migrations
- Laravel Database
- Why Framework
- Introduction to MVC
- Folder Structure
- Conguration Setting
- Routing Controllers
- Introduction to Controller
- CI_ Controller, Request Parameters, Actions Controller
- Methods & Attributes
- Creating
- Core Controller Class
- Creating Views
- Layouts (Use Image, CSS, Bootstrap, JS)
- Calling in controller
- Helpers (Form Helper, HTML Helpers) in Views
- Creating Model
- How to Load in controller
- Calling in Controller
- Apply the Business logic
- Creating Core Model Class
- Introduction
- How to load Helper
- Apply to Controller and Views
- Creating Own Helper
- How to override other Helpers
- Seeding Forms and Validation
- Setting up Laravel form
- Validation a form
- Creating Admin Post
- Creating a Frontend
- Setting up the Blog
- Securing the admin panel
- Handling routing
- Establishing an HTML View
- Establishing an HTML View
- Creating Tables with Schema Builder
- Enabling Version Control with Migrations
- Querying with eloquent
- ORM Displaying
- Laravel Code
- Working with Blade
- Templating Dening
- Conditions Integrating form elements
- Setting up Authentication
- Creating a Registration Form
- Securing Content
- Authenticating users in Laravel Application
- Restful API’s Creation
- Lumen: Micro-framework (API’s and Micro Services
- A brief History
- All About WordPress
- WordPress Blogs vs. Websites
- WordPress.org vs WordPress.com
- WordPress themes Overview
- Finding a domain
- Registering a domain
- Choosing a web hosting package
- Know WordPress Features
- Know the Dashboard
- Install WordPress
- Setup your Prole
- The MySQL database
- Uploading your les
- The install Script
- About WordPress Release Cycles
- Upgrading WordPress
- Archiving content
- The purpose of categories
- Naming a category
- Creating a new category
- About static page parents and children
- Permalinks
- Dressing up links
- Customizing links
- Checking Links with Your Server
- Syndicated content (RSS)
- About Feed Readers
- RSS Options
- RSS and Social Media
- WordPress Tags
- Custom Menus in WordPress
- WordPress Posts vs WordPress Pages
- Writing Posts in WordPress
- Manage & Edit posts in WordPress
- Using Post Formats
- Publishing Posts
- Create Pages in WordPress
- Manage & Edit pages in WordPress
- Protect Your Work
- All About WordPress SEO
- General Settings
- Writing Settings
- Reading Settings
- Discussion Settings
- Media Settings
- Using Permalinks
+ More Lessons
Mock Interviews

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Croma Campus is one of the excellent Web Development Training Institute in Delhi that offers hands-on practical knowledge, practical implementation on live projects and will ensure the job with the help of Web Development Training in Delhi Courses, Croma Campus provides Web Development Training in Delhi by industrial experts, they have 8+ years working experience in top organization.
Croma Campus associated with top organizations like HCL, Wipro, Dell, BirlaSoft, Tech Mahindra, TCS, IBM, etc. make us capable to place our students in top MNCs across the globe. Our training curriculum is approved by our placement partners.
Croma Campus in Delhi mentored more than 3000+ candidates with Web Development Certification Training in Delhi at a very reasonable fee. The course curriculum is customized as per the requirement of candidates/corporates. You will get study material in the form of E-Books, Online Videos, Certification Handbooks, Certification and 500 Interview Questions along with Project Source material.
To turn into a knowledgeable Web Developer, you must know basic information about HTML/CSS, JavaScript, learning nature, excellent communication skills, testing skills, and time management skills.
Online and offline mode of training are available in Croma Campus. You can choose as per your convenience.
Well, Text/HTML Editor, Web Browsers, Graphics Editor, and FTP Client are important tools to construct your websites.
For details information & FREE demo class, call us at 120-4155255, +91-9711526942 or write to us info@cromacampus.com
Address: – G-21, Sector-03, Noida (201301)

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- - Attend Mock-Up Interviews with Experts
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Training Features
Instructor-led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility,monitoring and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Lifetime Access
Get Unlimited access of the course throughout the life providing the freedom to learn at your own pace.
24 x 7 Expert Support
With no limits to learn and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
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