- Learn various Angular versions that are high in-demand from the basic to advanced level. This comprehensive AngularJS training in Delhi will help you to become an industry expert and gain all the required skills that are considered vital to start a career in the Angular space. Learn how to design single-page and multi-page dynamic websites quickly with little manipulation. Also, get a sound idea of Angular components, bootstrap, Angular CLI, Typescript, etc.
- You can learn Angular 8, Angular 9, Angular 10, and Angular 11 as per your career goals and professional requirements. You can attend weekdays, weekend, or fast-track Angular certification training batches that suits you the most. Get a chance to learn by industry experts and become a master in managing tough web apps using Angular framework. Also, practice JavaScript classes and type script concepts to become an in-demand Angular Developer.
- Our AngularJS training in Delhi will give you a deep idea of Angular structures or patterns by working on different real-time projects, case studies, assignments, etc. With the top Angular training institute in Delhi, you will become a popular front-end developer in no time and prepare for the global certification exam to earn credentials that are valid worldwide.
- The core objective of AngularJS training institute in Delhi is to help you to learn all fundamental and advanced AngularJS concepts.
You will learn how to write code effectively and design high-functional complex web apps with ease.
Get a sound idea of various terms and terminologies in Angular like dependency injection, directives, services, and more.
Know how to use dependency injections and learn using it to its best potential for maximum benefits.
With the AngularJS placement training in Delhi, know how to build custom directives to save time, money and every with the help of reusable components in Angular.
Learn to build single-page and multi-page web apps with ease and understand complex concepts in Angular with industry practitioners.
You will also learn how AngularJS works and two-way data binding, digestive looping concepts or watchers too.
With the top AngularJS training in Delhi, get an in-depth idea of JavaScript classes, HTML basics, and more similar concepts for a stronger base and impressive web development techniques.
- With recent technology advancements, Angular has become one of the most popular frameworks for front end development. It helps to design high functional web apps with efficacy. It also helps to design more creative and innovative apps that were not possible earlier.
- The demand for front-end developers with knowledge about Angular is high because of the high scalability of the framework. So, having the right skill sets can land you that job that you have always been seeking. To use this framework, make sure that you have the depth knowledge of the framework and it can be done by the AngularJS training in Delhi. The course helps you to become an established front-end developer and acquire higher salary packages too.
- According to Indeed, you can earn between 4 lacs to 6 lacs if working in India. For learners, who want to work in the USA, they can earn up to $116K on an average after Angular certification training in Delhi. These days, there is a high demand for skilled Angular professionals and it is surely going to increase in the future too.
- If you are wondering what can be the career growth once you complete the Angular certification training in Delhi, then it is really amazing. With the popularity of the framework, a number of organizations have already adopted the technology and rest are planning to do the same soon.
- According to recent research, more than 3 Lacs companies are already utilizing Angular for front end development that include some popular names too like AWS, Dell, American Express, Adobe, Microsoft, and more. Taking the AngularJS Online Training from the best institute in Delhi will help you to jumpstart your career with attractive salary packages right away.
- Angular is a structured front end development framework to design most dynamic web apps with efficacy. It helps developers to design high complex web apps effortlessly. It also helps in writing easy code by using various libraries and type scripts. It can be used along backend programming languages like Java or PHP. It can also work with Node JS framework that helps in managing back end running environments quickly.
- So, the major difference between Angular JS and NODE JS framework is that Angular is suitable for front end development and Node JS framework is suitable for back-end programming. At Croma Campus, we offer comprehensive AngularJS training in Delhi and Angular certification training to help you master all the concepts in-depth.
- Another important concept is React JS. If we look at the difference between React JS framework and Angular framework, then Angular is a complete framework and React JS is just the JavaScript library. So, Angular is definitely more useful and available in different versions too. The major application of Angular framework is designing single-page web apps and developing high-end apps too with ease.
- As a front end developer in Angular, you have wider opportunities to shine your career like a superstar. The best idea is taking an Angular training course in Delhi right away and start giving extra significance to your resume that was never possible earlier.
- AngularJS has different versions and that further leads to various job roles too. With the Angular training course in Delhi, you will practice all the required skills and prepare yourself for complex job roles too.
- With the most prominent Angular training institute in Delhi, we prepare you to manage all these roles and responsibilities with utmost grace and confidence.
You should know about all the fundamental and advanced Angularjs concepts.
You should know how to write code effectively and design high-functional complex web apps with ease.
You must have a sound idea of various terms and terminologies in Angular like dependency injection, directives, services, and more.
You should know how to use dependency injections and learn using it to its best potential for maximum benefits.
You should know how to build custom directives to save time, money and every with the help of reusable components in Angular.
You should know how to build single-page and multi-page web apps with ease and understand complex concepts in Angular with industry practitioners.
You must know how AngularJS works and two-way data binding, digestive looping concepts or watchers too.
You must have an in-depth idea of JavaScript classes, HTML basics, and more similar concepts for a stronger base and impressive web development techniques.
- TECHUZ, Angular Minds, Clarion Technologies, FUGENX, India NIC, ALGOWORKS, CODIANT are some of the top hiring industries in AngularJS. These industries usually pay GOOD when compared to similar other industries across the world.
- To prepare yourself for these types of industries, you first have to complete your Angular training in Delhi, attempt for the related global certification exam, prepare an impressive resume that is difficult to reject, and start applying for a job with the right skills and the attitude. Our Angular placement course not only gives you placement assistance but makes you industry-ready too during the course.
- Once you will complete the Angular training course in Delhi , you will get a course completion certificate with us. It demonstrates your skills and capabilities in managing Angular. Also, it will simplify your path to an angular certification exam. This training certificate will add little more strength to your resume and you can claim for higher salary packages than usual. We wish you all the very best for a brighter career ahead!
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Why should you learn Angular JS?
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Angular Certification Training
- Angular Overview
- All about TypeScript
- Angular CLI
- Angular Building Blocks
- Angular Modules
- Components in Angular
- Templates in Angular
- Data Binding
- Angular Directive and Pipes
- Angular Forms
- Dependency Injections
- Angular Routing with Guards
- RxJs Primer
- Angular Advanced Features
- Testing
- Learn Deployment
- History of Angular
- The leap from AngularJS to Angular
- What’s new in Angular 10
- Angular 10 vs Angular 9
- Desktop Application class User Experience
- Productivity and Tooling
- Performance
- Community
- Full-featured Framework
- Supported Browsers (Angular 10)
- Platform for Targeting Native Mobile not just Web Browsers
- Introduction
- What is Typescript.
- Why Typescript.
- Setup and installation
- IDE support
- Different typescript versions
- Typescripts 3.8 for Angular 10
- Scoping using let and const Keywords (ES6)
- Template Literals (ES6)
- Rest and Spread Parameters (ES6)
- De-structuring (ES6)
- Introduction to Types
- Type inference
- Type Annotations
- Number
- Boolean
- String
- Array
- Tuple
- Any
- Void
- Null and Undefined
- Never
- Introduction to Functions
- Using types in functions
- Function as types
- Optional and default parameters
- Arrow functions
- Introduction to Classes
- Inheritance
- Access modifiers
- Getters and setters
- Read-only & static
- Introduction to Interfaces
- Optional properties and methods
- Strict structural contract
- Extending interface
- Implementing interface
- Introduction to Modules
- Import / Export
- Default
- Decorators
- Angular CLI
- Anatomy of the project
- Setting up a workspace
- Updating Angular apps using ng update
- Adding support for external libraries using ng add
- Debugging Angular apps
- Working with Augury
- Using the Angular Language Service with Microsoft VS Code
- Modules
- Components
- Templates
- Metadata
- Data binding
- Directives
- Services
- Dependency injection
- Angular Ivy
- Why modules
- How to create modules
- Built-in modules
- Root Module
- feature module
- Introduction
- @Component decorator
- Component configuration object
- Custom components
- Component with templates
- Inline
- External
- Component with Styles
- Inline
- External
- Angular Elements
- HTML basic syntax
- Template expressions
- Template syntax
- Attribute, class, and style bindings
- @Input ()
- @Output
- Template reference variables
- Safe navigation operator
- Interpolation
- Event binding
- Property binding
- two-way binding
- uses and examples
- Introduction to Directives
- Built in Structural Directives
- Built in Attribute Directives
- Building Custom Attribute Directives
- Building Custom Structural Directives
- Introduction to Pipes in Angular
- Using Built-in Pipes
- Creating Custom Pipes in Angular
- Pure and Impure Pipes in Angular
- Types of Form in Angular
- Reactive form in Angular
- Dynamically Adding or Removing Form Control (s) or Form Group (s) using Form Array(s)
- Adding Synchronous Custom Validations to your Reactive Form
- Adding Asynchronous Custom Validations to your Reactive Form
- Resetting the value of a form
- Introduction
- Why DI
- @Injectable decorator
- Custom service development
- Registering the service with Ng Module using providers key
- Provider Types
- Class
- Factory
- Value
- Implementing Routing in an Angular App
- Abstracting the user link to a separate component
- Implementing Child Routes
- Path Match and Route Types
- Introduction to Route Guards in Angular
- CanActivate and CanActivateChild Guards in Angular
- CanDeactivate Guard in Angular
- Prefetching Data for a Component using Resolve
- Introduction
- Why RxJs
- Observable interface
- Streams
- Operators
- Subscription
- Subject
- Schedulers
- Setup installing the module
- Making a request for JSON data
- Type checking the response
- Error handling
- Sending data to the server
- Making a POST request
- Configuring other parts of the request
- Creating Libraries
- Angular Material Essentials
- Lazy Loading
- Customizing the Angular CLI using the Builder API
- Server Side Rendering with Angular Universal
- Working with Service Workers
- Building a Progressive Web App
- Creating Libraries
- Angular Material Essentials
- Lazy Loading
- Customizing the Angular CLI using the Builder API
- Server Side Rendering with Angular Universal
- Working with Service Workers
- Building a Progressive Web App
- Manually
- Using the Angular CLI with Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compilation and Tree-Shaking (removing unused library code)
- Deployment Platforms for Angular Apps
- Tips to clear an Interview
- Common Interview questions and answers
- Angular Interview Questions and Answers
- Resume Building Guide
- Attempt for Angular Global Certification Exam
- Earn Credentials and Start applying for Jobs
+ More Lessons
Mock Interviews

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Croma Campus provides hardware lab facilities for AngularJS Training in Delhi, Hardware & Software are required to learn all the skills set for AngularJS training, Our trainers provide result and job-oriented AngularJS training.
Our strong associations with top organizations like HCL, Wipro, Dell, Birla Soft, TechMahindra, TCS, IBM, etc.
We provide a certification-based training course that is created by certified professionals from the relevant industries focusing on the needs of the market & certification requirement.
Our course curriculum is approved by highly expert trainers. Our training course modules are the live project-based. According to the study material, separate projects within the team will be provided. It helps to enhance live working knowledge.
For more info about this course & FREE demo class call us : +91-120-4155255, +91-9711526942
Address: G-21, Sector-03, Noida (201301) Email: - info@cromacampus.com

- - Build an Impressive Resume
- - Get Tips from Trainer to Clear Interviews
- - Attend Mock-Up Interviews with Experts
- - Get Interviews & Get Hired
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Training Features
Instructor-led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility,monitoring and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Lifetime Access
Get Unlimited access of the course throughout the life providing the freedom to learn at your own pace.
24 x 7 Expert Support
With no limits to learn and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
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Training Certificate is Govern By 12 Global Associations.
Training Certificate is Powered by “Wipro DICE ID”
Training Certificate is Powered by "Verifiable Skill Credentials"