- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- Without web development, no developer can build and maintain high-end web applications. For designing an app, a complete full-stack software bunch such as MERN or MEAN. In which M refers to MongoDB, E refers to Express JS, A refers to Angular JS, R refers to React JS and N refers to Node JS.
- Things you will learn :
- So, its important to start your professional journey with our leading Full Stack Developer Training Company and get a high-paying career.
You get an opportunity to learn all the technologies and ready to step into your professional career.
By getting your hands-on full stack technologies, you will get yourself prepared for the IT industry.
You will get an insight into how to launch cloud apps in an efficient manner
Become an exceptional skillful resource with our Full Stack Certification Course.
Java Script has been ruling the IT industry and 3 billion devices are making use of JavaScript.
- With the Full Stack Developer Training, you get a complete overview of MEAN technologies like Express, MongoDB, Node.js, CSS, HTML and Angular.
- Our Full Stack Development Certificate Course will help you develop application parts like services, controllers or directives.
You become a master of Java components and know-how to design and develop web apps.
Using MEAN stack you get an understanding of how to design more superior apps.
The course gives you a thorough understanding of different web development concepts such as plug-ins, JQUERY, AJAX, forms, events, Google APIs, and other related concepts.
You get to create documents with the help of MongoDB and make it feasible to work on query reports.
You get to come across complete front-end development and back-end development.
- The way market trends are changing, the IT industry is becoming too competitive today. Full-stack development gives a competitive edge over the other technologies as well.
- At our Full Stack Developer Training Company, you get to revamp your career in the IT sector. So, what are you waiting for Simply enroll for the best Full Stack Development Company and give wings to your career.
You get to establish your career as a full-stack developer and get hired by big organizations.
You can expect a salary up to $117k on average.
With us, you acquire the right skills as we are the best Full Stack Development Training Course.
The salary packages are also amazing and fall under the bracket of 4 to 6 lacs per annum.
You can prepare yourself for the global certificate exam too with us.
- The career growth is tremendous once you complete the Full Stack Development Training Course. You get to work as a MEAN stack developer, full-stack developer, web developer, and more.
- You are not required to get your hands on various technologies but you think of building your career in JavaScript. So, planning to complete your Full Stack Certificate Training you get to build a career that inspires others.
The salary package is quite impressive in comparison to other technologies.
Huge salary packages.
Ample job opportunities.
Establish yourself as a certified professional right away.
- Today, many companies are willing to MEAN stack developers onboard. So, getting into this field with Full Stack Development Training gives you a chance to rise and shine.
3 million full-stack opportunities are available for the candidates certified.
The course content is as per the ongoing industry trends
You will become an expert and get skills in the development of applications.
The application is being adopted by industries worldwide.
Get a high-paying salary and a certification accepted globally.
- MEAN is made by combining other technologies. You get to explore various roles and responsibilities. In our Full Stack Development Training Course, you get to learn how to perform the job roles and responsibilities.
- We are a leading Full Stack Development Training Institute and help you prepare for a rewarding career with a good package.
The candidate should have in-depth knowledge of full-stack development technologies.
Know how to build powerful apps by making use of full-stack technologies.
The candidate should have detailed knowledge of web development concepts.
Familiar with MongoDB for the creation of documents easy and query reports effectively.
You must know how to consume web series and in-depth insights into front and back end development.
Good knowledge of developing application parts like controllers, services or directives.
- Many companies want to hire certified and skillful candidates to fill the designation of a full-stack web developer who knows MEAN or MERN technology.
You can get a job in the big industries like IBM, TCS, OYO, LinkedIn, BYJUS, OYO and more.
Due to the expensive future scope, the demand is high.
You can land a high-paying job among the 23k job openings.
You can master all the concepts in detail with our Full Stack Development Training Course.
- A training certificate works as proof of your skills and knowledge in full-stack development. After the completion of the Full Stack Developer Placement Course, you get a course completion certificate.
You also increase your chances of getting hired.
You also feel confident with your skills in full-stack development.
Increases your worth in todays tech-driven world.
Our certification will let you bag higher salary packages.
Youll be preferred by leading MNCs and corporate giants.
- You May Also Read:
Why Should You Learn Full Stack Development?
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Full Stack Development Training Programs
Full Stack Development TrainingPrograms
- Python is a very powerful high-level, object-oriented programming language. Python is an interpreted language. Python interpreters are available for many operating systems, allowing Python code to run on a wide variety of systems.
- Using third-party tools, such as Py2exe or Pyinstaller Python code can be packaged into stand-alone executable programs. Django is an extremely widely used framework, and because it’s open source. Django is a web framework which written in python & follows the MVC architectural pattern.
- It is maintained by the Django software foundation, an independent organization. There are many other frameworks like Pyramid, web2py, Flask etc. which support developers in the design & maintenance of complex applications. Pyjamas & Iron Python can be used to develop the client-side of ajax-based applications.
- In this program you will learn:
CSS 2.0
CSS 3.0
Bootstrap Framework Latest Version (HTML, CSS, and JS Library)
Web Hosting & SEO Basics
Python Training Curriculum
Data Analysis and Visualization using NumPy, Pandas, and MatPlotLib, Seaborn
Placement Guide
What is HTML
What is a Web Browser
What are Versions of HTML
What can you Do with HTML
HTML Development Environments
Writing Code with a Text Editor
- Review of HTML Elements
Rules of Syntax
Making your Code Readable
Building a Document
Using Colors
Adding Color to your Page
Using Headings
Using Paragraphs
Aligning Block-Level Elements
- Inserting Spaces and Line Breaks
Displaying Preformatted Text
Formatting with Inline Elements
Controlling Fonts
Introducing List Elements
Creating Unordered Lists
Creating Ordered Lists
Nesting Lists
- What is an HTML Table
Building a Table
Cell Padding and Cell Spacing
Controlling Table and Cell Width
Aligning a Table on the Page
Aligning Tables and Text
Aligning Table Data
Spanning Columns and Rows
- Creating a Hyperlink
Understanding and Using URLs
Linking to a Web Document
Linking to a Local Document
Linking to Anchors
Opening a New Browser Window
- Image Formats
Inserting Inline Images
Aligning Images
Using Images to Anchor Links
Sizing Images
Using Transparent Images
Using GIF Animation
- Forms and Controls
Forms and Form Elements
Form Actions, Form Methods, Form Design
- Introduction
Laying out a page with HTML5
Page Structure
New HTML5 Strutural Tags
Page Simplification
- HTML 5 - How we got here
New Features of HTML5
The HTML5 Semantic Element
Current State of Browser Support
The section Tag
The article Tag
The header Tag
The Footer Tag
Supported Media Types
The audio Element
The video Element
New Input Types
- Introduction of CSS
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Comments
- CSS Type
- CSS Selector
- CSS Color
RGB Value
Hex Value
Color Name
- Background
background position
- CSS Margin
- CSS Padding
Padding -top
Padding -bottom
Padding -left
Padding –Right
- Outline
Outline Width
Outline Shorthand Property
- CSS Height and Width
- CSS Display properties
- CSS Position Properties
- CSS Overflow
- CSS Float and Clear
- Pseudo Class and Element
- Introduction to CSS 3
- CSS Shadows
- Transitions
transition - delay
transition - duration
transition - property
- 2D Transforms
matrix ()
translate (x,y)
Skew (x - angle, y-angle)
- Animations
- Selectors
CSS combinations
Pseudo Elements
- Gradients
Linear Gradients
Radial Gradients
- User Interface
- CSS Filters
- Media Query
What is Responsive Web Design
Intro to the Viewport
The Viewport Tag
Media Queries
Tablet Styles
Mobile Styles
Making a Mobile Drop-down Menu
- Web Fonts
font- family
- Flexbox
flex - grow
flex - shrink
flex - basis
flex - wrap
flex - direction
flex - flow
justify - content
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- Introduction to JavaScript Framework:
History of JavaScript
What is ES6 (ECMAScript 6/JavaScript 6)
ES6 Module System
A Word on Bable
Block Scope, Let & Const
Template Literals
Arrow Functions
Spread and Rest Operators
Object Literal Improvements
Static Properties and Methods
Iterators and Iterables
New Features in ES6
JavaScript let
JavaScript let
JavaScript const
JavaScript Arrow Functions
JavaScript Classes
Default parameter values
Exponentiation (**) (ECMA Script 2016)
- Angular Overview
History of Angular
The leap from AngularJS to Angular
Whats new in Angular 10
Angular 10 vs Angular 9
Desktop Application class User Experience
Productivity and Tooling
Full-featured Framework
Supported Browsers (Angular 10)
Platform for Targeting Native Mobile not just Web Browsers
- All about TypeScript
What is Typescript
Why Typescript
Setup and installation
IDE support
Different typescript versions
Typescripts 3.8 for Angular 10
Scoping using let and const Keywords (ES6)
Template Literals (ES6)
Rest and Spread Parameters (ES6)
De-structuring (ES6)
Introduction to Types
Type inference
Type Annotations
Spread and Rest Operators
Object Literal Improvements
Static Properties and Methods
Iterators and Iterables
New Features in ES6
JavaScript let
JavaScript const
JavaScript Arrow Functions
JavaScript Classes
Default parameter values
Exponentiation (**) (ECMA Script 2016)
- Introduction
About Node
Execute Node
Who use Node
Where to use
Where not to use
- Environment Setup
Text Editor
NodeJs Run Time
Download NodeJs
- First Application
Creating a NodeJs Application
Make a request to NodeJs Server
- REPL Terminal
What is REPL
Starting REPL
REPL Commands
Stopping REPL
- Packager Manager (NPM)
Installing Modules using NPM
Global vs Local Installation
Using packages.json
Attributes of packages.json
Uninstalling Module
Updating Module
Searching Module
Create a Module
- Call backs Concept
Using Props
Default Props
State and Props
- Event Loop
Validating Props
- Event Emitter
Set State
Force Update
Find DOM Node
- Buffers
Lifecycle Methods
- Streams
- File System
- Global Objects
What is Refs
Using Refs
- Utility Modules
What is Keys
Using Keys
- Web Modules
Install a React Router
Add a Router
Create Components
- Express Framework
What is Flux
Flux Elements
Flux Props
- Restful API
Install REDUX
Create Files and Folders
Root Component
Other Components
- Scaling Application
Install React CSS Transitions Group
Add a CSS File
Appear Animation
Enter and Leave Animations
- MongoDB
Connecting Node and MongoDB
Database Creation, Drop
Collection Operations
Documents Operations
- Application
Node and MongoDB Application
- Express.JS Basics
Introduction, Advantages
Environment Setup
Basic Application
- Advanced Concepts of Express.JS
HTTP Methods
URL Building
Static Files
Form Data
File Upload
- MongoDB Basics
Introduction, Advantages
History, Features
No SQL Databases
Advantages over RDBMS
- Environment Setup
Install MongoDB
MongoDB Shell
MongoDB Data Model
MongoDB Datatypes
- Database
Create Database
Drop Database
- Collection
Create Collection
Drop Collection
- CRUD Documents
Insert Documents
Update Documents
Delete Documents
Query Documents
- Methods
Limit ()
Sort ()
Skip ()
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- Introduction to JavaScript Framework
History of JavaScript
What is ES6 (ECMAScript 6/JavaScript 6)
ES6 Module System
A Word on Bable
Block Scope, Let & Const
Template Literals
Arrow Functions
Spread and Rest Operators
Object Literal Improvements
Static Properties and Methods
Iterators and Iterables
New Features in ES6
JavaScript let
JavaScript const
JavaScript Arrow Functions
JavaScript Classes
Default parameter values
Exponentiation (**) (ECMA Script 2016)
- Introduction of React.JS
About React
- Environment Setup
Create of Root Folder
Install Global Packages
Add Dependencies and Plugins
Create the Files
Set Compiler, Server and Loaders
JSX and Main.js
Running the Server
What is JSX
Using JSX
Nested Elements
JavaScript Expressions
Naming Convention
- Components
State full
- State
What is State
- Props Overview
Using Props
Default Props
State and Props
- Props Validation
Validating Props
- Component API
Set State
Force Update
Find DOM Node
- Component Life Cycle
Lifecycle Methods
- Forms
- Events
- Refs
What is Refs
Using Refs
- Keys
What are Keys
Using Keys
- Router
Install a React Router
Add a Router
Create Components
- Flux Concept
What is Flux
Flux Elements
Flux Props
- Introduction of CSS
About Node
Execute Node
Who use Node
Where to use
Where not to use
- Environment Setup
Text Editor
NodeJs Run Time
Download NodeJs
- First Application
Creating a NodeJs Application
Make a request to NodeJs Server
- REPL Terminal
What is REPL
Starting REPL
REPL Commands
Stopping REPL
- Packager Manager (NPM)
Installing Modules using NPM
Global vs Local Installation
Using packages.json
Attributes of packages.json
Uninstalling Module
Updating Module
Searching Module
Create a Module
- Call backs Concept
Using Props
Default Props
State and Props
- Event Loop
Validating Props
- Event Emitter
Set State
Force Update
Find DOM Node
- Buffers
Lifecycle Methods
- Streams
- File System
- Global Objects
What is Refs
Using Refs
- Utility Modules
What is Keys
Using Keys
- Web Modules
Install a React Router
Add a Router
Create Components
- Express Framework
What is Flux
Flux Elements
Flux Props
- Restful API
Install REDUX
Create Files and Folders
Root Component
Other Components
- Scaling Application
Install React CSS Transitions Group
Add a CSS File
Appear Animation
Enter and Leave Animations
- MongoDB
Connecting Node and MongoDB
Database Creation, Drop
Collection Operations
Documents Operations
- Application
Node and MongoDB Application
- Express.JS Basics
Introduction, Advantages
Environment Setup
Basic Application
- Advanced Concepts of Express.JS
HTTP Methods
URL Building
- Call backs Concept
Using Props
Default Props
State and Props
- Event Loop
Validating Props
- Event Emitter
Set State
Force Update
Find DOM Node
- Buffers
Lifecycle Methods
- Streams
- File System
- Global Objects
What is Refs
Using Refs
- Utility Modules
What is Keys
Using Keys
- Web Modules
Install a React Router
Add a Router
Create Components
- Express Framework
What is Flux
Flux Elements
Flux Props
- MongoDB Basics
Introduction, Advantages
History, Features
No SQL Databases
Advantages over RDBMS
- Environment Setup
Install MongoDB
MongoDB Shell
MongoDB Data Model
MongoDB Datatypes
- Database
Create Database
Drop Database
- Collection
Create Collection
Drop Collection
- CRUD Documents
Insert Documents
Update Documents
Delete Documents
Query Documents
- Methods
Limit ()
Sort ()
Skip ()
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- PHP is one of the best programming languages used worldwide and helps to create dynamic web apps with ease. Croma Campus offers the best PHP training to students so they can learn everything from fundamental to advanced level.
PHP Fundamentals
Arrays and Functions in PHP
MySql Database
Object Oriented PHP
File Handling & State Management
Advanced PHP Techniques
Developing A Dynamic Web Application
Framework: Laravel
Framework: CodeIgniter
WordPress development
- PHP language building blocks
Dene PHP
Installation of PHP
PHP delimiters
Variable initialization with PHP
PHP Data types
PHP Constants
PHP Operators
- Conditional Statements
If else
If else if else
Nested If
Switch Case
Jump Statements (Break, Continue, Exit)
- Looping (Iteration)
For loop
While loop
Do While Loop
Nested Loop
- Introducing Array
Index based arrays
Associative Array
Multi-Dimensional Array
- Manipulation User Input
Presenting the user with input
Retrieving form data with $POST$_GET and $_ REQUEST
Preserving Data in Form inputs
- Function
Introducing Functions
Dene functions
Using parameters
Returning values
Call by Value & Call By reference
Reusing Codes
Array, String, Math, Date functions
Super Global Array Variables
Deleting Cookies
Implementing Query String
- MySql Database
Relational Database Concept and technology
Web Database Design
Web Database Architecture
Creating a MySQL Database
Creating Database
Tables Column
Data Types
Implementing Insert/Delete/Update and select
Query Aggregate
Having and Group by Clause Joining Table
Implementing Primary key, Unique Key, Composite key, foreign key, default constraint
Joining Table
Dropping Tables and Databases
Introduction to Phpmyadmin
Database Connection
My SQL Connectivity
Procedural Connectivity
Object Oriented Connectivity
PDO Connectivity
- Object oriented concepts
Classes, objects and operations
Class attributes
Access Modier Constructor & Destructor
Inheritance Static method Type
Hinting Object
Cloning Abstract class
Final keyword Inheritance
- Libraries
How to load Library
How to override other Libraries
- Database
How to Congure
Active Records and Query Builder
CRUDS operation (Create Insert Update Delete and Search)
Form Validation, Session, Pagination, Uploading
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- With our .NET foundation course and Visual Studio training, you can gain the essential skills to build and deploy robust apps for Windows, web sites, web services, and mobile apps with technologies such as ASP.NET MVC, C#, and Visual Basic.
- For more advanced .NET programmers, take your skills to the next level by learning best practices and design patterns for Microsoft's .NET Framework. Plus, our Microsoft authorized courses can prep you for the Visual Studio certification you need including MCSA: Web Applications.
- In this program you will learn:
Advanced C#
WCF [Windows Communication Foundation]
WPF [Windows Presentation Foundation Using C#]
- MVC Techniques
Controller Techniques
Defining Filters
Implementing Compression
Model Binding Techniques
- Client and Server Platform Features
Globalization and Localization
Html5 Semantic Tags
Html5 Accessibilty
Search Engine Optimization
- Error Handling, Logging and Monitoring
Getting Started with Code Contracts
Using Code Contracts
Handling Errors
Implementing Logging and Monitoring
- Dependency injection
Di Concepts
Di Techniques in ASP.Net MVC 6
Design and Architecture Considerations
- Test Driven Development with ASP.Net MVC
Recap of Tdd
Introduction to Xunit.Net
Walk-Through of Using Tdd With ASP.Net MVC 6
- Web Sockets
Understanding Web Sockets
Defining A Web Sockets Server
Defining A Web Sockets Client
Using Signal R
- Implementing Middleware Components
Overview of The Http Pipeline
Overview of Owin
Implementing Owin Middleware Components
- Designing and Implemening Security
Overview of Authentication
Implementing Windows Authentication
Implementing Forms Authentication
Implementing Auth Authentication
- Additional Security Techniques
Implementing Claims-Based Authentication
Managing Data integrity
Implementing A Secure Site
- Windows Azure Development
Windows Azure Concepts
Windows Azure Architecture and Components
Creating a Cloud Service Application
Running a Cloud Service Application
- Deploying Services to Azure
Web Deploy Using Visual Studio
Web Deployment Packages
Command - Line Tools for web Deploy
Deploying to windows Azure
- Learning Opjective
Practice TDD with Xunit.Net & Asp.Net MVC
nsAdvanced Controller and View Techniques
MVC Dependancy injection
Implementing Own Middleware Components
Creating Full-Duplex Web Sockets Solutions
MVC 6 Security
Devloping and Deploying Azure Solutio
- Harnessing C# Language Features
Language shortcuts
Applying auto-implemented and lambda generated properties
Benefiting from dynamic and implied-type declaration
Streamlining program logic
Instantiating entity object
simplifying construction with object initializers
- Employing Extension Methods for Middle-tier Data Manipulation
Filtering and ordering data with lambda expressions
Passing lambda expressions to methods (behavior vs. data)
Calling Count, Reverse, Union, Except and other extension methods
Applying extended features
Making code more flexible with delegates
Parameterizing delegates and lambda expressions
Streamlining code with Function
- Leveraging LINQ Query Keywords
Syntax and semantics
Coding LINQ queries
Filtering with from where order by and group
Preforming inner and outor joins
Iterating collections able
Interfacing between C# and LINQ using Ienumerable
Issuing queries on entity and spatial types
- Attaching to Database via the Entity Framework
Connecting to and reading from a database
Inheriting Core Db Context objects
Correlating entity classes and data tables
Executing stored procedures and table-valued functions
Object Relational Mapping
Employing code-first and database first mapping to generate entity classes
Optimizing complex mapping including many to many and database inheritance
Updating a database
Inserting, updating and deleting data when Core is integrated with .NET Framework
Error handling and exceptions
Committing and rolling back transactions
- Introduction to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
Introduction to Course Outline
Evolution of WCF
What is WCF
Overview of Different Types of Contracts in (WCF)
Introduction to SOA
Steps Involved in Developing, Hosting and Consuming a WCF Service
- Developing a Simple WCF Service
Creating a WCF Service Application
Creating a WinForms Client for our WCF Service
Overview of App. Config file
- Developing and Hosting a WCF Service onto IIS
Creating a Simple WCF Service Library
Performing Web Hosting of our WCF Service
Developing a Winforms Client for our WCF Service
- Learn How to Self-Host a WCF Service
Developing a WCF Service Library and Self Host Application
Developing a Winforms Client for our WCF Service
Testing the Winforms Client
- Learn How to Self-Host Multiple WCF Services
Developing Multiple WCF Libraries and a Single Self Host Application
Developing and Testing a Winforms Client for our multiple WCF Services
- Learn How to Self-Host a WCF Service Using Config Files
Developing a WCF Service Library
Working with App.config
working with Configuration Editor
Developing a Winforms Client for our WCF Service using a Configuration File
- Learn How to Host a WCF Service Using Windows Services
Developing a WCF Service Library
Developing a Windows Service to Host Our WCF Service
Developing a Winforms Client for our WCF Service
- Learn How to Self -Host a WCF Service Using a Service Reference
Developing a WCF Service Library
Developing a Self-Host Application using a Service Reference
Developing a Winforms Client for our WCF Service
- Learn How to Host a WCF Service Using WAS
Developing a WCF Service Library
Install Required Roles and Features using Server Manager
Develop a Web Host Service on IIS
Working with AppCmd to Enable NetTcp Binding
Developing a Winforms Client for our WCF Service
- Learning Message Exchange Patterns in WCF
Developing a WCF Service Library
Implement Duplex Methods in a WCF Service and Test
Implement Duplex Methods in a WCF Service and Test - Part I
Implement Duplex Methods in a WCF Service and Test - Part II
- Learn How to Implement Exception Handling for WCF Services
Throwing .NET CLR Errors from a WCF Service Method
Throwing .NET CLR Errors from a WCF Service is OneWay Method
Throwing Fault Exceptions from a WCF Service
Throwing Strongly Typed Fault Exceptions
- Learn How to Implement Session Management in WCF Services
Developing a WCF Service Library
Working with PerSession InstanceContextMode
Working with PerCall InstanceContextMode
Working with Single InstanceContextModes
- Learn How to Implement Transactions in WCF Services
Developing a WCF Service Library with Transaction Support
Developing a Web Host Application
Developing a Winforms Client to Test out Transaction Support
- Learn to Implement Session Management and Transactions together in WCF Services
Developing a WCF Service Library with Sessions Transaction Support
Developing a Winforms Client for WCF Service to test Sessions and Transactions
- Learn to Implement Session Concurrency in WCF Services
Developing a WCF Service Library with Session Concurrency Support
Developing a Host Application
Developing a Winforms Client to Test Session Concurrency Effect
- Introduction to WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation Using C#)
What WPF
What Is WPF
.NET Framework 4.0 (WinFX)
WPF Overview
Application and Window
A Simple WPF Application
Using Visual Studio
Role of XAML
Elements and Attributes
Property Elements
Type Conveters
Content Property
XAML and Procedural Code
- WPF Controls
Button | Label | Text Box
ToolTip | Radio Button | Checkbox
List Box | Combo Box
- Layout
Sizing | Positioning | Transforms
Canvas | Drawing Shapes
Stack Panel | Wrap Panel | Dock Panel
Grid | Scrolling | Scaling
Message Boxes
Win32 Common Dialogs
Custom Modal Dialogs
Custom Modeless Dialogs
- Menus and Commands
Menus | Context Menus
Icons on Menu Items
Keyboard Shortcuts
Disabling Menu Items | Checking Menu Items
- Toolbars and Status Bars
Toolbars | Toolbars and Commands
Status Bars
- Dependancy Properties and Routed Events
Dependancy Properties
Change Notification
Property Value Inheritance
Support for Multiple Providers
Routed Events
Routing Strategies
- Resources
Resources in WPF
Binary Resources
Logical Resources
Static versus Dynamic Resources
- Styles, Templates, Skins and Thems
Style, Style Sharing
Templated Parent’s Properties
Skins | Themes
- Data Binding
Binding Sources
Sharing Sources with Data Context
Data Templates
Value Converters
Collection Views | Data Providers
- Validation Rules
- WPF Training Course Objective
Understand the WPF architecture and advantages
Become proticient with the use of XAML
Layout and containers in WPF
Achieve reuse and maintainability with resources, styles,and templates
Build compelling user experiences with custom drawing and animations
Learn how to properly apply the MVVM design pattern via applications of increasing complexity
Introduction to Windows 8 Applications
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- 2 Live Project
- Self-Paced/ Classroom
- Certification Pass Guaranteed
- Introduction
UI Developer roles and Responsibilities
UX designer roles
Technologies needed
Power of UI
Current market requirements on UI
Sample Webpages
Crawling and meta tags
- Basics
Structure of HTML Page
Mandatory tags in html page (html, head, body)
What is CSS
Different ways of applying css for elements, and priority chain of css
Heading tags(H1H6), Tags and attributes(Class, Id, style..etc)
Inline and blocklevel elements
- More Tags in Html
Including external page links in a page using anchor tags and its properties
Working with row and column data using table tags
Hiding and unhiding elements using display property
img tag, p tag, ul and ol tags, li, nobr, hr, br etc
Layouts, forms, buttons
Input fields (textbox, radiobutton, checkbox, dropdown, textareaetc)
Difference between HTML5 and HTML 4
List of Browsers support HTML5
Media tags (audio and video tags)
Graphics using Canvas tag
Drag and Drop features
Working on locations lat and lng using Geolocation
Storing userpreferences using Localstorage.
- More CSS properties
Adding borders, font, pseudo classes
Positioning elements (absolute, relative, fixed and static)
Image spriting
Boxmodel (margins, padding)
Floating elements (float left, right etc.)
Including external resources
Absolute and Relative paths
Including external resources like css, images etc
- Form Elements
Get & Post
Validating input values in a form
Form action and type
- CSS 3
Difference between CSS2 and CSS3
Adding borders and backgrounds
Advanced text effects(shadow)
2D and 3D Transformations
Adding Transitions to elements
Adding animations to text and elements
- JavaScript
Data types and data structures in Js
Control structures, if, ifelse, while, for, switch case statements
Dynamic creation and maniplation of dom elements using js
Adding dynamic event listerners to dom elements
Event capturing and event bubbling
Validations using key charcodes
- JavaScript Supported Data structures
Predefined methods in arrays
Strings and predefined methods
- Advanced JavaScript
Prototyping in JavaScript
Closures in JavaScript
Inheritance in JavaScript
Adding methods for an object
- Bootstrap 5
Get Started
What is Bootstrap
Bootstrap History
Why Use Bootstrap
What Does Bootstrap Include
Adding Bootstrap to Your Web Pages
Downloading Bootstrap
Bootstrap CDN
Put Your HTML Elements Inside Containers
Button Group
Button Dropdown
List Groups
Grid Sytem
- jQuery Framework
Onload and onreadydiffrence
jQuery selectors
Multiple ways of referingdom elements using jQuery selectors
jQuery methods
Adding dynamic properties for dom elements
Toggleing elements
Creating dynamic elements using jQuery
- jQuery Traversing Methods
Finding elements using jQuery techniques
Filtering elements
- Events using jQuery
Binding events
Dynamic binding
List of events been supported in jQuery(blur, change, click, dbclick.etc)
Advantages with Ajax and its limitations
Samples working with Ajax
Different data formats used in Ajax (string, xml, Json, etc)
XML and JSON difference
Crossdomain interactions using JSONP
- jQuery Templating
Loading DOM dynamically using jQuery templates
loading templates using AJAX
- React-JS
Foundation to Reactjs
Introduction to Reactjs
Introducton to concepts on ES6 (ECMASCRIPT)
let and const
Arrow functions
Template literals
Array method (map)
Array & Object destruction
Spread Operator
this usage in class
getters & setters in class
- React Basics
- componentDidMount()
- componentDidUpdate()
- shouldComponentUpdate()
- componentWillUnmount()
introduction to webpack & babel introduction.
creating project with ReactJs, using npm & npx.
ReactJs folder structure.
creating "hello world" inital programe.
using commands to run & build project.
introduction to Jsx
inlcude dynamic javascript expression in Jsx
attributes in Jsx
using dot notation in Jsx
best practices in crating Jsx components
Jsx childrens & group elements
rendering & updating elements on ReactJs
introduction to functional components & working with it.
introduction to class components & working with it.
differenc between class & functional components
ReactJs components and props
styling with css in ReactJs
ReactJs state & setState
lifecycle methods in ReactJs
handling events in ReactJs
conditional rendering in ReactJs
Forms in ReactJs
- Advanced ReactJs
- React.createContext
- Context.Provider
- Class.contextType
- Context.Consumer
- Context.displayName
Using fetch & promises & async await in ReactJs to get API data.
Fragments in ReactJs
Pure components in ReactJs
memo in functional components
Refs in ReactJs
Refs in class components
Portals in ReactJs
Higher Order functions
React Router
In details of Switch, Router, path, Link, useParams, useRouteMatch
Router paramters
Router nesting
Transitions with Router
Router config
Router Redirecting
Developing router practical application
Redux in React
Creating store with redux
Data flow in redux
Redux actions & reduces
Developing redux practical application
Advanced context API
fetching data with use effects
static type checking
error boundaries
typechecking with PropTypes
introducing Hooks in ReactJs
use state in Hooks
use effects in Hooks
REACT JS content will be updated as per latest updations
- Introduction
Java History
Differences between java and others
Java Features
Java Naming Conventions
- First Java Application Development:
Java Installation
Java Application and Java File Saving.
Compile Java File
Execute Java Applications.
- Language Fundamentals
Data Types and Type casting
Java Statements
- Class
- Object
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Message Passing
- Default Con.
- User defined con.
- 0-arg-con.
- param-con.
- Instance variable
- Instance block.
- Instance method
- To refer current class variable.
- To refer current class methods.
- To refer current class blocks.
- To return current class objects.
- Static variable
- Static block
- Static method
- Static import
- Public static void main (String [] args)
- Why public
- Why static
- Why void
- Why main
- Why String [] as parameter
- Is it possible to overload main (-) method
- Is it possible to override main (--) method
- Is it possible to provide more than one main (--) method with in a single java appl
- Is it possible to execute any java application without using main method
- Final variable
- Final class
- Final method
- Associations in Java
- one-one
- many-one
- one-many
- many-many
- Inheritance and Types of inheritances
- Single
- Hierarchical
- Multiple
- Hybrid.
- Multilevel
- Static flow in inheritance
- Instance flow in inheritance
- Super keyword
- Class level type casting
- Static PM
- Dynamic PM
- Method overloading
- Method overriding
- Abstract class Vs concrete Class
- Class Vs Abstract class Vs interface
- "Instance of" operator
- JAVA8 features in interfaces
- What is marker interface
- Shallow Cloning
- Deep Cloning
Object Based PL VS Object Oriented PL
Class syntax
Method Syntax
Var-arg method.
Accessor Methods VS Mutator Methods
Syntax to create an object
Immutable Objects VS Mutable Objects
Object Vs Instance
Instance Context
This keywords
Static keyword
Main () method
Factory Method
Singleton classes and Doubleton classes
Final Keyword
Enum keyword
Relationships in JAVA
Poly Morphism
Abstract Methods Vs Concreate Methods
What is Adapter class
Object Cloning
- Inner classes:
Member Inner class
Method local Inner class
Static Inner class
Anonymous Inner class
- Wrapper classes:
- Packages:
- Modularity
- Reusability
- Abstraction
- Sharability
- Security
- Predefined packages
- User defined packages
What is a package
Adv. of packages
Types of packages
Jar files preparation
Executable Jar files
Batch files preparation
- String manipulations:
String Buffer
String Builder
String to kenizer
- Exception Handling:
- Predefined Exceptions
- User defined Exceptions
- Pure Checked Exceptions
- Partially Checked Exceptions
- Automatic Resource management
- Multi catch block.
Error VS Exception
Exception Def.
Types of Exceptions
Checked Exception VS Unchecked Exception
Throw Vs throws
Custom Exceptions
Java7 Features in Exception Handling
- Multi-Threading:
- Extending Thread class
- Implementing Runnable interface.
- New/Born
- Runnable
- Running
- Blocked
- Dead
- Sleep ()
- Join ()
- Yield ()
- Stop ()
- Wait ()
- String to kenizer
- Notify ()
Process Vs Processor Vs Procedure
Single Processing Mech. Vs Multi Processing Mech.
Single Thread model And Multi Thread Model
Thread Design
Thread lifecycle
Thread class library
Thread class library
Inter Thread communication
- IOStreams:
- Input Streams
- Output Streams
- Reader
- Writer
What is stream
Types of Streams
Byte-oriented Stream
Character-Oriented Streams
File Input Stream Vs File Output Stream
File Reader Vs File Writer
File Vs Random Access File
Serialization vs Deserialization
- Networking:
Standalone Appl. Vs Distributed Appl.
Client-Server Arch.
Socket Vs Server Socket
Network Appl. Arch.
Socket Programming.
- Reflection API:
- Annotations:
- Built-in Annotations
- Override
- Inherited
- Deprecated
- Target
- Suppress Warnings
- Documented
- Retention
- User Defined Annotations
What is Annotation
Adv of annotations
Comments Vs Annotations
Types Of annotations
- Regular Expressions:
- Garbage Collection:
Approaches to make an object for GC
Methods for requesting JVM to run GC
- JVM Arch.
Class Loading Sub System
Memory Management System
Execution Engine
Java Native Interface
Java Native library
- Generics:
Generic Classes
Generic Methods & Wild Card Character.
Inter Communication with Non-Generic Code
- Collection Framework:
- Array List
- vector
- LinkedList
- stack
- Hash Set
- Linked Hash Set
- Tree Set
- Hash Map
- Hash table
- Properties
- TreeSet
- Priority Queue
- Blocking Queue
- Priority Blocking Queue
- Linked Blocking Queue
- Iterator
- List Iterator
- Enumeration
- Message Passing
Collection Arch.
List and its implementations
Set and its implementations
Map and its implementations
Queue and its implementations
- Temporary Storage Area
- Permanent Storage Areas
- Query Tokenization
- Query Processing
- Query Optimization
- Query Execution
- Type 1 Driver
- Type 2 Driver
- Type 3 Driver
- Type 4 Driver
- Load and register the Driver.
- Establish the connection between Java Application.
- Prepare either Statement or prepared Statement or Callable Statement Objects.
- Write and execute SQL Queries.
- Close the connection.
- PreparedStatement with insert sql query
- PreparedStatement with update sql query
- PreparedStatement with select sql query
- PreparedStatement with Dates Handling
- PreparedStatement with Batch Updations
- CallableStatement with procedure
- CallableStatement with function
- CallableStatement with CURSOR Type Procedure
- CallableStatement with CURSOR type function
- Atomicity
- Consistency
- Isolation
- Durability
Storage Areas
Query Processing System
Driver and Driver Types
Steps to design JDBC Applications
Prepared Statement
Callable Statement
Transaction Management
Batch Updations
- Web Applications
- Distributed Applications
- Client
- Protocol
- Server
- Servlet interface
- Generic Servlet
- Http Servlet
- Browser-servlet
- SendRedirect Mechanism
- Web-component
- Include Mechanism
- Forward mechanism
- HttpSession Session Tracking Mechanism
- Coockies Session Tracking Mechanism
- URL-Rewriting Session Tracking Mechanism
- Hidden Form Fields Session Tracking Mechanism
Enterprise Applications
Client-Server Arch
Servlets Design
Servlet Lifecycle
Servlet Config
Servlet Context
Servlet Communication
Session Tracking Mechanisms
Servlets Filters
- JSP Directives
- Scripting Elements
- JSP Actions
- Page Directive
- Include Directive
- Taglib Directive
- Declarations
- Scriptlets
- Expressions
- Out
- Request
- Response
- Config
- Application
- Session
- Exception
- Page
- Page Context
- Tag
- IterationTag
- BodyTags
- Core Tags
- XML Tags
- EL operators
- EL implicit objects.
- EL functions.
JSP Life Cycle
JSP Elements
JSP Directives
JSP Scripting Elements
JSP implicit objects
JSP Standard Actions
JSP Custom Actions
Expression Language
- Introduction
- User Interface Layer
- Business Processing Layer
- Data Storage and Access Layer
- Paradigm Mismatches
- Granualarity Mismatch
- Sub Types Mismatch
- Associations Mismatch
- Identity Mismatch
- EJBs Vs Hibernate
- JPA Vs Hibernate
Enterprise Application
Enterprise Application Layer
Data Persistency
Data Persistency through Serialization and Deserialization
Data Persistency through JDBC
Data Persistency through ORM
Hibernate History
Hibernate Features
Hibernate Arch.
- Steps to Prepare Hibernate Application
Persistence Class / POJO class
Mapping File
Hibernate Configuration File
Client Application
- Hibernate Applications
Hibernate Application with Main Class as Client.
Hibernate Application with GUI Application as Client.
Hibernate Application with Servlet as Client.
Hibernate Application with JSP Page as Client.
Hibernate Application with Struts Application as Client.
Hibernate Application with MYSQL DB
Hibernate Application with Multiple DBs [Oracle DB and MySQL DB]
Hibernate Basic Annotations [Without Mapping File]
Hibernate Application without Configuration File
Hibernate Application with Composite Keys.
- Hibernate Persistence Object Lifecycle
Transient State
Persistent State
Detached State
Removed State
- Hibernate Tools
Schema Export
Schema Update
Code Generation
- Primary Key Generation Algorithms [XMl and Annotations]
- Transaction Management
- Automicity
- Consistnacy
- Isolation
- Durability
- Automicity Achievement in JDBC
- Isolation Problems
ACID Properties
Transaction Management in JDBC
Transaction Management in Hibernate
- Hibernate Query Language [HQL]
- Clauses
- From' Clause
- Select' Clause
- Where' Clause
- Order by' Clause
- Group by' Clause
- Having' Clause
- count(-)
- sum(-)
- min(-)
- max(-)
- avg(-)
- Arithmetic Operators in Generic Expressions
- Comparision Operations in Generic Expressions
- Scalar Functions in Generic Expressions
- In
- Between
- Like
- is null
- is not null
- Parameters
- Positional parameters
- Names Parameters
- Subqueries
- Pagination
- HQL with Updations
HQL Elements
Aggregate Functions
Generic Expressions
- Native SQL
Scalar SQL Queries
Stored Procedures and Functions
- Criteria API
- Hibernate Filters
- Hibernate Mappings
- Table per Class Hierarcy
- Table per Sub-Class
- Table per Concreate Class
- One-To-One Association
- One-To-Many Association
- Many-To-One Association
- Many-To-Many Association
Basic 'OR' Mapping
Component Mapping
Inheritance Mapping
Associations Mapping
- Connection Pooling
Inbuilt Connection Pooling Support in Hibernate.
Third Party Connection Pooling Mechanisms C3P0, Proxool, DBCP.....
Connection Pooling through Weblogic Server JNDI.
- Cache Mechanisms
I level Cache
II Level Cache
Mock Interviews
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