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React JS Training In 7 Easy Steps

In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of React and understand how you can learn this programming language in seven easy steps.

React JS Training In 7 Easy Steps

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Last updated on 8th Feb 20236.2K Views
Sahil SharmaAn experienced content writer with expertise in writing on different niches. Currently writing on tech-related and software technologies. Skilled in technical content writing, content writing, SEO writing, WordPress, and more.

In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of React and understand how you can learn this programming language in seven easy steps.

React JS Training in 7 Easy Steps


Have you been fascinated by React's ease of use and capability to build rich interfaces? Are you looking for a quick method to learn React.js and create something appealing?

If so, in this article, we will explore the fundamentals of React and understand how you can learn this programming language in seven easy steps. Alternatively, you can enroll for the requisite training from the React JS Training Institute in Noida. Such an institute will make you understand the React JS language from scratch and help you get placed in a top organization.

React JS: Meaning

To get familiar with React JS in a few easy steps, you must first understand what React is. It is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces built and maintained by Facebook. Moreover, React JS is lightweight, simple, and versatile.

However, the idea behind React is simple; instead of developing your view, you can create a virtual DOM tree that is updated as modification occurs to the underlying HTML page. This allows you to build responsive single-page applications (SPAs) with minimum front-end work.

Why Learn React JS?

Before jumping directly to the steps to learn React JS, it is essential to understand why professionals recommend beginners learn React language. React was initially released in 2013 and has since grown in popularity among developers. Also, it has recently become one of the most used JavaScript libraries. Thousands of developers worldwide, particularly Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Dropbox, Pinterest, etc., may use this library for their projects.

Thus, learning React JS is an excellent approach to understanding how to utilize JavaScript, especially if you want to design responsive web applications or advance your profession. In addition, React offers other advantages as well:

  • It is modular and easy to use.
  • It is simple to learn and develop over time.
  • It features an active community that assists with queries and problems.

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 Easy Steps to Learn React JS

Now it's the best time to know the topic of how to learn React JS course in a few easy steps. With so many resources available on the internet, it might be tough to get started. As a result, below are the seven easy steps to understand React JS:

First Learn JavaScript

If you are a beginner, the best way is to start with JavaScript and then go to React. Do you know the reason? Because React is a JavaScript library, you will never be able to utilize it unless you know JavaScript.

However, it is not necessary to be an expert in JavaScript before studying React. React is developed with new JavaScript capabilities, most of which are ES6+. So, before you begin, you need to get familiar with core JS concepts as well as the following ES6+ features:

  • Function rest parameters, default parameters
  • Arrows functions
  • Promises and asynchronous/await
  • Objects destructing
  • Classes ES6
  • Import and Export JS modules
  • Operators for rest and spread

If you're already familiar with JavaScript ES6+, skip to the next stage.

Have a look at React's Starter Guide

Referring to the React starter guide is the best option for newcomers. It teaches you the fundamentals of React and makes you understand the process of developing your first application.

React was built from scratch to be utilized progressively, and you can use it as little or as much as you want. However, the resources in this guide will help you get started with React JS. So, if you experiment with it, add interactivity to a basic HTML page, or construct a sophisticated React-powered online application.

Watch some tutorial videos

Several books and video courses are available that will teach you all you need to know about this library. However, there are times when choosing the appropriate resources to follow can rapidly become overwhelming.

Because the React ecosystem evolves quickly, books on the subject are frequently out-of-date. Also, some popular best practices and third-party libraries mentioned in the book at the time of authoring may now be outdated.

As a result, tutorial videos are a superior alternative to technical learning. They are easy to understand and get updated with new technology.

Now Create some React JS projects

Now, it's time to develop your first React JS project using the essential principles and abilities you learned in the previous phases. Keep in mind that you don't have to start big. Start with a few little apps or components of a larger app. List down below a few React project ideas that you can attempt to make:

  • Create an authentication system
  • Develop a to-do app
  • Create a blog
  • Build an app that takes advantage of third-party social APIs such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Create a simple chat app

Therefore, when looking for React employment, you may include the projects you created in your portfolio, which will make you stand out in the interview.

Use React documentation as a reference

When learning any new technology, the first thing you should do is study the official documentation.

We recommend using the official documents as a reference, as it has the most recent React knowledge you'll require. Also, it provides detailed descriptions of React's capabilities and connections to other valuable resources. Moreover, the React documentation is well-written and easy to explore, so you will quickly gain knowledge.

Examine the React blog entries and articles

After completing all the preceding steps, you should have a solid knowledge of React and how to use it to develop online apps. The React ecosystem is evolving. As a result, beginners must keep up with new technologies, tools, and libraries. As a developer, you should read React-related blogs and publications to remain up to the latest technology.

Join the Online React Community

There are plenty of excellent online resources for learning React. However, if you want to learn React rapidly, you should join a community where you can learn from and share your experience with other React developers. So, when you join a community, you'll be able to ask other members questions and gain comments on your code. Also, you may obtain advice on how to improve your abilities, which is crucial while learning new technologies like React.


Hopefully, you may find this article informative. By following the above seven steps, you will gain proficiency and have a basic idea of What React JS is, the purpose of learning this language, and how you can quickly learn this language. Also, you can set up a few projects to gain experience. Alternatively, you can enroll for the React JS Training in Gurgaon from a reputed institute that will ensure an efficient learning curve and make you stand out from your peers in every possible way.

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