• Appium is an open-source automation framework that makes out mobile-app-testing more effective. Moreover, when it comes to app testing the best choice which strikes the mind is “Appium” In the current scenario mobile testing using Appium has gained a lot of attraction from the industry in a very short period.
  • However, Appium is a cross-platform testing framework that is flexible and enables our testers with the right scripts. It also makes some similarities to Selenium as it helps out in writing QAs scripts for multiple programming languages. With such a range of features, the Appium Certification Online Training in India is booming day by day.

Appium Online Training


  • Undoubtedly, Appium is a prominent technology that gets used to test hybrid as well as mobile-based applications. However, it is recently introduced but gained a lot of attraction. Before enrolling in Appium Certification Online Training in India go through the below-mentioned details:
    • Learning out the installation of Appium and its basics.

      Getting knowledge of various ADB commands.

      Configuring out the visual android phone for automation purposes.

      Well-adapted to the complexities involved.

  • After your Appium Certification Online Training, you will expect a good salary package. But according to salary research sites like Glassdoor, and PayScale your salary prospects get into the range of 3.3 lakh to 7.8 lakh per anum. While after getting out rigorous training you get out the high salary as 10 lakh per annum.

  • Appium studio enters the picture in the current scenario. Moreover, it is improving out the streamlining of research and helps out in reducing time & research spent out on multiple things. After completing our Appium Certification Online Training in India there are multiple career doors get opened out for you:
    • Appium is free and open-source software that can be easily downloaded from GitHub.

      It has been made up solely for the motive f mobile testing.

      Helps out in testing native, hybrid, web applications on the real computer. It can be used for automation purposes.

      Appium also manages our GUI(Graphical User Interface) which helps out in running out the same tests on multiple software devices.

  • When it comes to mobile app testing, it doesn’t matter whether the application is native, hybrid, mobile, Android, Windows, or ios. Moreover, the main reason behind the booming demand for Appium Certification Online Training is its choice for automation testing. Go throughout the below-mentioned reasons behind its popularity:
    • It is the server that runs in the background.

      Appium offers the flexibility of writing codes in multiple languages like Java, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Python as well as C++.

      It also provides out the reusability of codes for multiple devices platforms ranging out as ios, Windows, Android & others.

      Offers out the facilities related to real-life monitoring of tests & making out their robots execution.

      Appium provides the room for cross-platform compatibility, enabling the procedures & widening the reach.

      Testers do not need to modify or recompile the app under the tests without using standard automation. Moreover, they are not required for accessing the source code for the application.

      Appium allows out the process of parallel execution of multiple types of test automation scripts on various types of Android, ios, UIAutomator, UIAutomation as well as others.

  • After completing out Appium Certification Online Training in India you need to follow out below-mentioned primary duties. Go throughout the duties carefully:
    • Creating as well as maintaining the automation networks.

      Maintaining the backend automation frameworks with multiple environments.

      Creating, maintaining & executing the scripts for getting out best results.

      Leading, training, and mentoring multiple staff related to the procedural system.

      Coordinating & working with project managers & development leads to facilitating better communication between staff.

      Identifying the issues and troubleshooting them for getting the best results.

  • After completing the Appium Certification Online Training you can get easily hired out by the organizations like TCS, IBM, Infosys, EXL Services, Birlasoft & others. You can also get out a job in small or medium-size organizations after suddenly completing the course.

  • The training certificate which you get out is 100% globally recognized. Moreover, it is also associated with many international brands which increases its value in comparison to the competitors. Besides these factors, it offers out a competitive edge in comparison to the other employees.

Why should you learn Appium?

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Appium Certification Training

  • AppiAppium Training covers both Android as well as IOS real time device testing. You will learn 4 types of frameworks - Data Driven Framework, Hybrid Framework, Page Object Model and Cucumber BDD with end to end report generation, batch running of test cases and reading data from XLS/properties TAppium Training covers both Android as well as IOS real time device testing.
  • In this program you will learn:
    • Introduction to Appium

      Download and Configure Appium/Maven Dependency

      Launching Hybrid/Native Apps with Appium

      Identifying Elements-1

      Identifying Elements-2

      XML Viewer

      Web Application Testing

      Appium First Program

      Native Apps Automation

      Advanced Gestures Automation with Key Events Handling

      Web Apps Automation

      Practical Problems and solutions with Mobile Browsers

      Hybrid Apps Automation

      Appium Framemwork-Learn TestNG

      Integrating TestNG with Maven

      Pageobject Pattern & Page Factory

      Data driving from Excel for feeding data into Appium Test Cases

      Logging Framework - log4j

      Database connection to Selenium/Appium Test Cases

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  • Introduction to Appium
    • Introduction to Mobile Automation

      Various tools for mobile application

      What is Appium

      What all can be tested with Appium

      WebDriver Wire protocol

      Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps

      Concept of UIAutomator

      When to use Selendroid and when to use Appium


      Drawbacks and Limitations

      What is seledroid

      Difference between Appium and Selendroid

      How things came into being

      What should I learn

      Appium Internal Architecture

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  • Download and Configure Appium/Maven Dependency
    • Configuring Appium on real device

      Why work on real device

      Download and Configure Android on local machine

      Understanding difference between Api level and Android version

      API levels and Android versions supported by Appium supported by android

      Getting correct API level for Android

      Getting correct Android version in Phone – Provider dependant

      Enabling developer mode

      Debug level settings in Phone

      Connecting phone and making sure it’s being detected in DDMS(Pdanet software)

      Install Node JS

      Install Microsoft Dot Net framework

      Download Appium

      Configuring Various versioning/API level requirements for Appium

      Starting Appium Server from Console

      Starting Appium Server from command prompt

      Various command line arguments for Appium

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  • Launching Hybrid/Native Apps with Appium
    • Desired Capabilities for Appium and Android

      Concept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage

      How to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for any application

      Is Apk file necessary to test App – Not in all cases

      Javadocs for Appium

      AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classes

      Launching System Hybrid Apps

      Appium reinstalls App

      Preventing Appium from deleting and reinstalling App

      Launching other user installed Hybrid Apps

      Launching native Apps like calculator, Contacts, Settings

      Always quit Appium – Mandatory

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  • Identifying Elements-1
    • Concept of UI Automator

      Understanding Android Layouts

      Tag name not supported

      android.widgit.* – everything starts from here

      Find Element and FindElementByAndroidUIAutomator

      Using UISelector Class in UIAutomator API

      Finding by Classname

      Detecting presence of Elements

      Building Xpaths

      Challenges faced in finding Elements and Workarounds

      Using Android UI Automator’sUISelector() and its functions

      Hiding Keyboard

      Waiting – Implicit and explicit waits

      Using UI Automator in Compressed layout

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  • Identifying Elements-2
    • Finding multiple Elements

      Finding Elements inside Elements

      ComplexFind and Mobile Element

      Finding Elements with Multiple criteria using Complex Find

      Selector Key codes

      Finding elements by text using AndroidUIAutomator commands

      Using Assertions

      Handling Date Elements/Objects

      Selecting element in Spinner

      Finding selected Elements

      Getting Value from Text View

      Finding selected Elements & Clear value of a Text View

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  • XML Viewer
    • Getting and storing the Android App XML view

      When to use android xml view

      Launching XML View from WebDriver

      Finding Elements in XML view

      Finding Scroll List elements in XML View

      you can do anything with XML View

      Limitations of XML view

      Touch Actions

      Touch Events

      Android key events like home, backspace, delete etc.

      Wait Actions

      Dragging and dropping elements

      Multitouch Actions

      Simulating multiple gestures

      Longpress and delete elements

      Handling Toggle buttons

      Pinching, tapping, holding

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  • Web Application Testing
    • Launching browser with Appium

      Making sure you have the correct desired capabilities

      When launch fails

      Firing various commands on browser

      Will UIAutomator work here

      How do I identify objects in mobile browser

      Will AppiumDriver commands work on browser

      WFinding and setting user agent

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  • Appium First Program
    • Android App download for practice

      What are desired capabilities How to talk to appium server

      Invoking Android Driver- Creating base program

      Execution of Appium first program on Mobile Native APP

      Appium desired capabilities code download

      UIAutomator tool usage-Inspection of elements

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  • Native Apps Automation
    • Automating app UI Using Xpaths and text attributes

      Appium API's for UI interaction with id's and classNames

      Handling Mutiple similar objects of Apps with indexes

      AndroidUIAutomator usage in identifying objects of Apps

      TouchActions in Appium (Gestures Automation -1)

      Tapping and longpress events (Gestures Automation -2)

      Strategy for automating Swipping event(Gestures Automation -3)

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  • Advanced Gestures Automation with Key Events Handling
    • Events Handling

      Demo on swapping the clock- Practice exercises

      How to automate scrolling Gestures Automation -5

      Drag and drop on Native Apps with Appium (Gesture Automation -6)

      Automating Android Key Events with Appium

      Miscellaneous key Events handling with Appium

      Invoking App with package Activity

      Example on package name and Activity Invoking apps

      Automation on real devices

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  • Web Apps Automation
    • Mobile Browser Configuration setup for Appium Tests

      Code for Mobile Browser capabilities

      Automating the Chrome Mobile Browser

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  • Practical Problems and solutions with Mobile Browsers
    • Identifying frames from Html view

      Element Hidden or Invisible-How to validate

      Writing Generic functions to Identify Frames/Windows

      Example Demonstrating Multiple Frames

      Handling Auto suggestive dropdown options

      Dynamic data loading- Exception Techniques

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  • Hybrid Apps Automation
    • Hybrid Apps features and ways to test them

      Views switching Mechanism

      Example on Hybrid App handling.

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  • Appium Framemwork-Learn TestNG
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  • Integrating TestNG with Maven
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  • Pageobject Pattern & Page Factory
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  • Data driving from Excel for feeding data into Appium Test Cases
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  • Logging Framework - log4j
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  • Database connection to Selenium/Appium Test Cases
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Appium is a really useful tool that gets used for mobile testing.

The training consists of the process of testing native & hybrid mobile applications.

No, there are multiple differences between them.

  • An ISO Certified.
  • Well-renowned faculties.
  • Specialized course content.

There are multiple java, python, ruby, C++, etc.

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